Rest easy with SOFY’s 100%
Organic Cotton Cover
and BleachFree Inner Cover
makes you feel comfort
all night without worrying
about leakage!
My friends envy me, saying that I do not seem to worry about my monthly period.
During the exam period, they keep asking me why!
My secret to spending my days without feeling exhausted
during my monthly period is SOFY Organic Cotton Cover and
Bleach-Free Inner Cover Comfort Sleep.
I am lucky to experience deep sleep even during those days of the month!
With the world’s first Etiquette Tap, you can cleanly and discreetly dispose of sanitary pads!
Buy Now
Using this bleach-free Inner Cover shows that
SOFY cares not only about the parts
that touch your skin but also those that do not.
#SafetyHipGuard #GoodNight
There are times when I could not sleep well at night during my monthly period, worrying about leakage. But now, I can enjoy deep sleep, thanks to the safety hip guard of Comfort Sleep.
This hip guard perfectly fits with and covers the curve of my hips, giving total protection against leakage.
#Simple #Clean #EtiquetteTap
#GoodMorning #Korea-First Patent
I am a neat person who likes to keep things clean and tidy. Even during my monthly period,
I remain the same. Thanks to the Etiquette Tap that ensures comfortable sleep,
I can cleanly and discreetly dispose of sanitary pads.
I could not sleep well during my period, worrying about leakage
as I toss and turn a lot while sleeping. However, after discovering this highly absorbent pad with 14 mm high meta-dimensional gathers,
I have become able to finally enjoy deep sleep.
#Dermatest #DermatologistTested
#NoSkinIrritation #ExcellentMarkObtained
With the 100% Organic Cotton Cover,
which has obtained the “Excellent” mark after the skin irritation testat Dermatest,
a German dermatological research institute known for imposing
strictstandards and procedures,
you would feel comfortable during your monthly period!
SOFY 100% Organic Cotton Cover and Bleach-Free Inner Cover with the Color of Nature Comfort Sleep
Super Long 42 cm
Bleach-free inner cover For sensitive skin
SOFY cares not only about the parts of a sanitary pad
that touch your skin but also those that do not!
Without the bleaching process, the inner cover takes on
the color of nature instead of a plain white.

Bleach-free inner cover Color Comparison

Check out the color of nature achieved by the inner cover
without whitening from the bleaching process.

※ Compare with other products
100% Organic Cotton Cover with a certificate of International Certification Accreditation Council
As it is a product certified by the reliable OCS Blended,
this sanitary pad is safe for use and is less irritant to the skin.
360º Fit설계

Organic cotton cover is made of organically grown cotton in a land where neither
agricultural pesticides nor chemical fertilizers were used for more than three years.
*Excluding the side wing part

SOFY 100% Organic Cotton Cover and Bleach-Free Inner Cover Sizing Lineup

Size Panty Liner Long Panty Liner Small Medium Large Overnight Super Long (Slim)
25cm 39cm